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Cooking good food in your home away from home!

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About GoodRVfood

Our goal is simple: to help people cook good tasting food in their recreational vehicle by collecting proven recipes and sharing them with others, making everyone better cooks in the process. is dedicated to the art of preparing meals in the relatively small spaces of our recreational vehicles (RV), including boats, motor homes, fifth wheels and travel trailers. We specialize in recipes and hints tailored just for cooking in a small galley.

I'm Cathy Lea, editor of GoodRVfood, and I have been all over this great country in my Roadtrek class-B camper van. I love to travel and love cooking and eating good food.

My cooking experience is all pretty much self taught, with a little help from my love of watching cooking shows on TV. My mother was not a great cook, so I credit my father (an excellent cook and baker in his own right) for teaching me how to love good food. When I moved out on my own I bought a few cookbooks, started experimenting and never stopped. All of my friends love to eat at my house because they are sure to get something they have never tried before, often a recreation of something I first tasted while traveling. I don't follow the convention of only serving recipes I've tried before. I love to experiment with anything new and exciting so we all have fun.

Although we aren't full timer RV travelers, we do spend at least a month or two on the road several times a year. I sometimes work temporary jobs in between to help support this lifestyle. I am basically spending my retirement money now while I'm still healthy and active. I have seen too many people wait to follow their dreams only to find time cut short by illness or other tragedies. I am a three time cancer survivor so the idea of living life in the present may be a little more real to me, but this is good advice for everyone.

My wonderful Roadtrek has a two-burner gas stove and a small microwave, but it does not have an oven. Unfortunately way too many of the RV recipes I've found are only for class-A motor homes or boats that have big kitchens with ovens and plenty of preparation space - things I don't have and gladly give up to travel the way I want. While a few of our recipes may require larger appliances like an oven, blender or slow cooker, the vast majority can be prepared on a stove or grill.

The recipes on this site are chosen with these constraints in mind. Most can be prepared using just a single burner on a stove top or camp stove. There are optional appliances that some like to use in their recreational vehicles. The Equipment section of this site is the place to find out more about those items.

Many of our recipes were contributed by fellow RV owners, but recipes are welcome from everyone no matter how you travel or the size of your kitchen. Please send your recipes and hints so we can all enjoy the fun of cooking new and delicious meals in our small galleys.

We are affiliated with the Roadtrek chapter of the FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association). The Roadtrek chapter has an active mailing list (called the Cyber Rally) full of very helpful, knowledgeable and experienced people. Their mailing list is open to Roadtrek owners. Please visit their web site for more information.

So get out there and travel, see new sights, experience new adventures. And enjoy cooking good food as well as eating out, along with all the things we love to do.

Our New Recipe eBook Is Here!

GoodRVfood Cookbook

Do you want all of these great recipes and hints but don't have access to the Internet when you travel? The official GoodRVfood Cookbook has it all in one easy to use linked PDF. You are even encouraged to share this free cookbook with your friends and neighbors!

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