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Gingered Apple Salad

This was inspired by a recipe I found in the FMCA magazine. I used thick Greek yogurt and added a little bit of my own vanilla paste and sugar. The original recipe called for dried cranberries but since I made this during the fall I had fresh cranberries. I chopped them with a little sugar sprinkled on and they were wonderfully delicious. If you are like me and don't have a large pantry in your rig you could simplify this by using a container of vanilla, orange or lemon yogurt. The crystallized ginger is pretty easily found and I think it's necessary for this to taste like it should. You could skip the dried ginger if you need to. You could also add bananas for more sweetness. Experiment with what you have.


 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
 1/4 cup mayonnaise
 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
 1/8 teaspoon salt
 3 medium apples, cored and chopped
 2 ribs celery, chopped
 1/2 cup cranberries, chopped
 3 Tablespoons crystallized ginger, chopped
 1/4 cup chopped toasted pecans


Mix yogurt and mayonnaise with ground ginger and salt. Mix in the chopped apples, celery, cranberries and crystallized ginger. Sprinkle with chopped pecans just before serving.

Serves: 4 as main dish, 6 as side dish
Yogurt Mayonnaise Ginger Apples Celery Cranberries Pecans No-Cook Photo

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You may notice that some of our recipes do not contain exact measurements for all ingredients. Cooking on the road is an art more than a science. We view each recipe as only a suggestion - a starting point for your own personal creativity.

We aren't usually dealing with food chemistry in these recipes since we aren't baking with leavening, etc., so feel free to use as much or as little of any suggested ingredient. Be creative and imaginative! Substitute the foods you like or have available for the ones in the recipes. And if you find something that turns out well for you, please share it with the rest of us.

