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Oregon Blueberry Slaw

We love to go to farmers markets or fresh fruit and vegetable stands when we are traveling in the RV. Oregon and Washington are famous for wonderful blueberries and we like to eat a lot of them. We also love the ease of making cabbage dishes in the RV, especially in any kind of slaw so this recipe combination was a natural fit.

As with any salad recipe everything is optional and substitutions or additions are an easy way to make it your own. If you don't like cilantro you can leave it out but I believe it really adds something special to this recipe.


 1 bag coleslaw mix or about 16 ounces shredded cabbage
 1/2 small red onion, chopped
 1 pint blueberries, washed and de-stemmed
 1/2 small bunch (1/3-1/2 Cup) fresh cilantro, chopped
 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
 1/2 teaspoon salt


Mix all ingredients and dress with a Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing or use your favorite slaw dressing. If you don't have the pre-shredded slaw mix you can shred up to a half head of cabbage and 3 carrots instead.

Serves: 4
Cabbage Onions Buleberries Cilantro No-Cook Photo

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You may notice that some of our recipes do not contain exact measurements for all ingredients. Cooking on the road is an art more than a science. We view each recipe as only a suggestion - a starting point for your own personal creativity.

We aren't usually dealing with food chemistry in these recipes since we aren't baking with leavening, etc., so feel free to use as much or as little of any suggested ingredient. Be creative and imaginative! Substitute the foods you like or have available for the ones in the recipes. And if you find something that turns out well for you, please share it with the rest of us.

